How To Manage Remote Teams

The shift to remote working may have arrived quicker than you planned. And it looks like it’s here to stay.

Now that the majority of employees have had a taste of home working, 98% of people say they would like to work remotely, at least some of the time, for the rest of their careers, according to 2020 research by Buffer and AngelList.

This is no bad thing. A team that can work effectively from home brings many benefits for both employees and their employers.

But of course, with great change also comes challenges.

This ebook is designed to help make your first steps into remote leadership simple and set you and your team up to be more productive, more collaborative and more connected than ever before.

You’ll learn how to address common challenges such as;

• How can you make sure your team has everything they need from the beginning?

• How do you maintain effective team communication?

• Should you worry about your team’s productivity?

• How do you choose the right tools to help your team collaborate?

• How can you foster company culture when you’re no longer meeting face to face?

The end of the ebook will provide you with a handy checklist of all the key points to help you along the way.

Download your copy now.

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